What is Editorial Portrait Photography?

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I'm a portrait photographer specializing in editorial style portraits for individual, family and business. I believe the best portrait captures the many facets of one’s personality, interests, and affections. 

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Hi, I'm paula

Imagine being on the cover of Time Magazine, GQ, Harper’s Bizarre, or even Texas Monthly. You’ve made it. You’ve arrived. Your accomplishments are celebrated for the world to see. Then when you go to the article about you, gorgeous photographs accompany your story. They tell the story of who you are. This is what I love about an editorial photoshoot. In pictures, it paints a portrait of your life. Editorial photos serve that purpose in a magazine, but nowadays they can stand by themselves. They have narrative power.

Telling Stories as a Child

When I was a child, my friends and I loved to play dress up and get our pictures taken. We were telling stories about being a famous singer, a movie star, or some other celebrity. As adults something happened. Our careers, family, and life got in the way of those dreams. But what would you give to be featured on the cover of a magazine, to be able to achieve those dreams? But you have! You’ve raised families. You’ve established successful careers. You’ve accomplished many goals along the way. My goal in life is to help people tell their story through stunning photos.

Whether it’s senior photos, marketing headshots, family photos, or even boudoir, my work tells a story about you. It is editorial. That is why my clients seek me out, why they would go to any lengths to work with me. There is so much to our stories and my expertise is in documenting that with my camera. That is my claim to fame, transforming photographs into stories for all to see.

No Longer Invisible

As a short Asian woman, I used to feel invisible to the world. That is until I picked up my camera. It became my superpower because now I make people feel seen. Their lives are important to me and I want them to see this in their pictures. This is what has allowed me to make my mark in this world, win awards, receive attention in my industry. And I want to share this attention with others. This is why actors and authors like to work with me. They know a good story when they see one. Editorial work is my joy and passion, and I am grateful for the many who have allowed me to share love for story through their lives.

At Paula N. Luu Photography, we help people catch the vision that IMAGE IS EVERYTHING. 

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